Sides & Nibbles

Cajun Potato Wedges

Perfect for a party or barbecue, this spicy appetizer will keep peckish guests h...

Serves 4-6

Soda Bread

The stuff of legends, ciabatta or panettone can’t touch traditional Irish soda...

Serves 1 loaf

Crab Tian with brown soda bread & cherry tomatoes

A seafood starter that sets the tone at dinner parties. Find the freshest white...

Serves 4

Griddled asparagus with lemon butter sauce

Asparagus are the baby shoots of a cultivated lily plant. A delicacy with an int...

Serves 4

Garlic Stuffed Mushrooms with cheese

45 minutes is a long time to cook garlic but when you taste the resulting purée...

Serves 4
Sides & Nibbles

Brown Butter Hasselback Potatoes

Calling all brown butter fans! Just say no to plain roasted potatoes. These Bro...

Sides & Nibbles

Minty Mushey Peas

Mushy peas are traditionally served with fish and chips but their appeal has spr...

Serves 4
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